Where necessary, I revoiced some tracks that are appropriate for the PSR-740.

Then, I copied the contents from INTRO C, ENDING C and BREAK into INTRO B, ENDING B, and INTRO A. First, I changed the bar of INTRO B and ENDING B as it is in INTRO C and Ending C, and INTRO A as one bar respectively in each of the styles. JW) PSR740 Preset Styles 8BEATĨBeat1 BALLADġ6BeatBallad1 & JAZZħ0'sDisco made my conversions in a PSR-2000 (owned by one of my relatives) using the Style Creator function. (Note: styles listed here updated with corrected original tempos on 2 October 2008.

Click on the table title to download all the styles in one zip file. Click on a category title to download the a zip file with the styles in that category. The time signature and the default tempo are shown in parentheses. The table below shows the styles included with the PSR740.